June 7, 2024

We moved! Same Coinbits, new domain

Staying true to our mission of being the easiest way to get bitcoin, we wanted to make it easier for you to find us.

Joe Lupo
Joe Lupo

Reserve Client Manager

We moved! Same Coinbits, new domain

Table of contents

We moved! Same Coinbits, new domain

Find us at coinbits.app

Staying true to our mission of being the easiest way to get bitcoin, we wanted to make it easier for you to find us. With this is mind, we moved to a new, cleaner domain: coinbits.app.

Why the change?

Small upgrades like this are part of our mission at Coinbits to get bitcoin into as many hands as possible. We hope you'll enjoy pressing 3 fewer keys each time you log in. This is just one of many improvements that are slated for release throughout the year.

Update your bookmarks!

Our original domain will redirect you to the right place, but please update your bookmarks when you get the chance. If you encounter issues with the new or old domain, please let us know here.

February 8, 2022

We moved! Same Coinbits, new domain

Staying true to our mission of being the easiest way to get bitcoin, we wanted to make it easier for you to find us.

Joe Lupo
Joe Lupo

Reserve Client Manager

We moved! Same Coinbits, new domain

Find us at coinbits.app

Staying true to our mission of being the easiest way to get bitcoin, we wanted to make it easier for you to find us. With this is mind, we moved to a new, cleaner domain: coinbits.app.

Why the change?

Small upgrades like this are part of our mission at Coinbits to get bitcoin into as many hands as possible. We hope you'll enjoy pressing 3 fewer keys each time you log in. This is just one of many improvements that are slated for release throughout the year.

Update your bookmarks!

Our original domain will redirect you to the right place, but please update your bookmarks when you get the chance. If you encounter issues with the new or old domain, please let us know here.
